We'll include DEX in the wallet. RPD will work closely with chosen partners, including Gamefi, to provide a liquidity pool that will let users purchase and sell tokens instantly without switching to third-party applications.

For instance, RPD and Game A have formed a deep partnership. Token A is issued by the game, and we'll create a pool of $A/USDT in the built-in DEX of Coco Wallet so users can rapidly purchase and sell Token A to suit their needs for playing the game. User do not need to open Uniswap or Pancake in order to trade and it could prevent a time loss and other risks.

DEX will be introduced one by one on websites and mobile platforms. At the same time, DEX will offer more potential uses for the governance tokens of our guild. For instance, those who hold tokens issued by RPD will be eligible for a reduction in transaction fees.

Last updated